(5:13:55pm) TheGuy: whats up
(5:14:22pm) TheGirl: Hi, not much. how are you?
(5:14:48pm) TheGuy: i'm great. you?
(5:15:04pm) TheGirl: Having a mellow afternoon :-)
(5:15:25pm) TheGuy: it's sort of hard to tell from your pictures (which I love by the way), but what's your bra size?
(5:16:01pm) TheGirl: 34G -- random second question!!
(5:16:10pm) TheGuy: G is for Great!
(5:16:32pm) TheGirl: and pain, lol
(5:16:44pm) TheGuy: Yeah i mean does that get tough lugging those things around?
(5:16:57pm) TheGirl: I wear two bras at the gym
(5:17:12pm) TheGuy: Both on your chest? Or is there some other body part that warrants it?
(5:17:25pm) TheGirl: yup, I layer them
(5:17:37pm) TheGuy: What happens if you only wear one?
(5:18:03pm) TheGirl: I give myself a black eye ;-)
(5:18:15pm) TheGuy: You're saying they fly up and hit you in the face?
(5:18:30pm) TheGirl: I'm kidding. No, it's just painful
(5:18:45pm) TheGuy: I have a similar problem, so I totally understand.
(5:18:55pm) TheGirl: you have moobs??
(5:19:09pm) TheGuy: No. I have enormous testicles. Kind of private but whatever.
(5:19:35pm) TheGirl: Clearly this has become an unfiltered conversation
(5:19:53pm) TheGuy: Yeah I hear you. What are you up to this weekend?
(5:20:40pm) TheGirl: The gym, farmer's market, friend's birthday and lots of sleep
(5:21:24pm) TheGuy: You been up late lately I take it?
(5:21:28pm) TheGirl: You?
(5:21:58pm) TheGirl: Sadly yes, I love sleep
(5:22:02pm) TheGuy: I don't have firm plans yet.
(5:22:13pm) TheGuy: I was hoping to deflate my testicles a bit.
(5:22:19pm) TheGirl: TMI
(5:22:29pm) TheGuy: Oh sure you say that now.
(5:22:50pm) TheGirl: Actually this whole conversation is outside my comfort zone
(5:22:57pm) TheGuy: how come?
(5:23:28pm) TheGirl: I usually know someone better (or they're a doctor) before I have conversations about my body
(5:23:38pm) TheGuy: Me too, but you dragged it out of me...
(5:23:57pm) TheGirl: bullshit Mr. What's Your Bra Size
(5:24:26pm) TheGuy: Look, I took a look at your profile and it was a question that had to be asked.
(5:25:16pm) TheGirl: why is that?
(5:25:33pm) TheGuy: Masculine curiosity I suppose.
(5:25:48pm) TheGirl: If you say so
(5:26:20pm) TheGuy: Why? What do you think it was?
(5:27:24pm) TheGirl: No clue -- never had a conversation like this before.
(5:27:32pm) TheGuy: Never in your entire life?
(5:27:48pm) TheGirl: Nope, the men I chat with are a lot more subtle
(5:28:02pm) TheGuy: Which do you prefer?
(5:28:21pm) TheGirl: Subtle -- innuendo is a turn on
(5:28:43pm) TheGuy: You mean sort of teasing around the outside before heading fully into browntown?
(5:28:51pm) TheGirl: What?
(5:29:00pm) TheGuy: You know,
(5:29:15pm) TheGuy: sort of teasing around the outside.
(5:29:29pm) TheGirl: I was talking about conversation
(5:30:02pm) TheGuy: Oh oh.
(5:30:09pm) TheGuy: I assumed you meant having some kind of aversion to anal.
(5:30:14pm) TheGuy: Easy mistake to make based on what you said.
(5:30:25pm) TheGirl: I do and how is that?
(5:31:14pm) TheGuy: Well, your mention of innuendo
(5:31:17pm) TheGuy: Usually that's a codeword.
(5:31:58pm) TheGirl: No, I mean what I say. I like double entendres -- is that better? Less ambiguous?
(5:32:25pm) TheGuy: Oh sure. Like talking about the "brown starfish" instead of "anal canal"?
(5:33:03pm) TheGirl: I don't talk about sex with strangers. There is that better?
(5:33:29pm) TheGuy: Well you totally sexualized yourself by literally starting off the conversation by talking about your enormous breasts.
(5:34:56pm) TheGirl: you asked.
(5:35:08pm) TheGuy: That's true.
(5:36:52pm) TheGuy: What's the deal with not liking anal? Is it the whole poop thing?
(5:37:16pm) TheGirl: I am not going to have this conversation with you.
(5:37:54pm) TheGuy: What changed my mind on that was putting lollipops up my butt a lot. I found that seeing a sugary treat come out of my anus enough times totally changed my mental image of the act.
(5:37:57pm) TheGuy: Have you tried that?
(5:38:56pm) TheGirl: Have a nice day -- I'm not comfortable continuing this conversation.
(5:39:39pm) TheGuy: Listen - before you go is there any chance we could arrange to meet somewhere so I can drizzle your gigantic breasts with semen?
(5:40:44pm) TheGirl: I'm blocking you. You're uncouth and disgusting
(5:40:59pm) TheGuy: You are too. Talking about blinding yourself with your gigantic breasts while exercising.
(5:41:05pm) TheGuy: Wear a bra you dirtbag!